7 Things Teachers Should Have Prepared for Emergencies

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October 20, 2017

A teacher's job is not only to educate students, but to keep them safe in the classroom. Unfortunately, classroom emergencies such as natural disasters and lockdowns are unpredictable and in seconds, teachers must adapt to the situation at hand.
To help teachers stay one step ahead, The Meemic Foundation has put together a list of the top seven things educators should keep in their classrooms for unexpected emergencies:
  • Class list: It can be difficult to stay organized in a time of crisis. A class list helps educators keep track of students and identify attendance quickly. The list should also include individual photos of the students and a description of their needs (i.e. prescription medicines, dietary needs, etc.).
  • First aid kit: The in-classroom first aid kit should include bandages of various sizes, medical gloves to keep the risk of infection down, antiseptic pads, gauze pads for deep cuts, adhesive tape, tweezers, reusable ice packs, antibiotic cream, hand sanitizer and a first aid instruction manual.
  • Flashlight: In situations like natural disasters and lockdowns, it is common to lose power. To safely guide your students, a flashlight is essential. If you choose a battery-powered flashlight, keep spare batteries on hand.
  • Food and water stash: Some emergency situations can last minutes, others may last hours. Having a supply of water and snacks for you and your students can help you stay prepared and keep students preoccupied until help arrives.
  • Student activities: Keeping a small deck of cards or coloring books on hand can keep students distracted and calm during an emergency.
  • Map of the school: In the case of a fire or emergency that might require you to escort your students out of the building, being aware of all emergency exits can help you safely guide your students.
  • Emergency blankets: Schools located in areas that are known for cold weather should keep emergency blankets to help students stay warm. Blankets can also be used as a comfort item to keep them calm.
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