Auto Insurance FAQs

Talk to your local Meemic agent to help you determine which coverages and amounts fit your situation.

Your state has minimum requirements for certain coverages to help cover expenses and damages when you’re involved in an accident, but the minimums may not be enough. Talk to your local Meemic agent to help you determine which coverages and amounts fit your situation.

  • Different types of coverage that are available under a Meemic car insurance policy include, but are not limited to, Personal Injury Protection or Medical Payments Coverage, Bodily Injury Liability, Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist, Collision and Comprehensive coverage.

    • Personal Injury Protection (MI) or Medical Payments Coverage (IL, WI, GA) provides coverage for medical expenses if you are injured in an accident. Bodily Injury Liability provides coverage for bodily injury damages to others who are injured in an accident if you are legally liable.
    • Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist provides coverage for your bodily injury damages if you are injured in an accident in which the person who is legally liable does not have adequate insurance.
    • Collision provides coverage for damage to an insured car resulting from an accident.
    • Comprehensive provides coverage for damage to an insured car resulting from storms, vandalism, animals and falling objects. 

By choosing collision coverage with a high deductible, you can keep your premiums lower. Talk to your local Meemic agent about your deductible and ask about discounts for the educational community.

Saving money on your car insurance is important, but having the amount of protection you need in case of an accident is just as valuable. Do your research to ensure that you know how much coverage you need and want before comparing rates.

  1. Stop your vehicle in as safe a place as possible. Turn off the ignition. Get out of the vehicle carefully and determine if anyone is injured. You may administer first aid, if needed, but usually you shouldn’t try to move an injured person.
  2. Call the police (911) immediately. Be sure to tell them about any injuries. The police will notify the nearest medical unit.
  3. If possible, move your vehicle to prevent additional accidents and further damage. If your vehicle cannot be moved, turn on the hazard lights and ask the investigating officer to help you set up flares until the vehicle can be towed.
  4. If another vehicle is involved, record the other vehicle's year, make, model and license plate number. Get the driver's name, address, license number and the name of his or her insurance company. If the driver doesn’t own the vehicle, get the name of the vehicle's owner. Also, get the names and addresses of any passengers in the vehicle or other witnesses.
  5. Write down the names and badge numbers of police and other emergency personnel at the scene. Ask the investigating officer how to obtain a copy of the police report for the insurance claim.
  6. If you think the other driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, insist on a breathalyzer test for you and the other driver.
  7. Cooperate with the police and other people involved, but don't apologize for the accident in any way. You may be required to say what coverages you have, but don't say how much insurance you carry.
  8. If the other person takes responsibility for the accident, don’t accept any money he or she may offer you. By accepting money, you may give up your right to file a claim against the other driver, even if the damages turn out to be more extensive than you originally thought.
  9. Never agree to forget about an accident, even if there appears to be no damage. You may find out later that there were actually hidden damages or injuries. You may even find out the other person has filed a lawsuit against you.
  10. Write down an account of what happened and everything pertinent to the accident: time of day, weather, hazards, road conditions and driving speed. Draw a rough diagram of the accident scene and show stop signs and lights, if applicable. Make notes about injuries or statements from anyone who says they aren’t hurt. Note any pre-existing damage on the other vehicle(s) involved.
  11. If a camera is available, take pictures showing the damage, position of vehicles, skid marks and anything else that will document what occurred. Make copies of the pictures.
  12. Report the accident to your insurance company immediately. Meemic Claims Services may be reached seven days a week, 24 hours a day at 800-231-5770.

  • If your insurance coverages include road service and towing, Meemic will reimburse you up to the policy limit on your declaration page. Payment is on a reimbursement basis. When submitting receipts, include:

    • Your policy number
    • Date of service
    • Vehicle serviced
    • Amount of bill
  • Submit your bill by:

    • Email: TowingBills@Meemic.com
    • Fax: 800-231-5780
    • U.S. Mail: 1685 N. Opdyke Road, Auburn Hills, MI 48326

Please allow 10 business days for the processing of your reimbursement following your submission. If you do not receive payment within 14 business days following your submission, please call us at 800-231-5770, ext. 31246.

Homeowners Insurance FAQs

Your mortgage lender may require you to cover your home for at least the amount of the mortgage, but the better figure to aim for may be the replacement cost. You also need enough liability coverage to protect yourself from lawsuits resulting from your possible negligence. Talk to your local Meemic agent to determine the best policy for your needs.

In case of fire, lightning, windstorm or hail, property damage coverage helps repair damage to your home and personal property.

In the event of a total loss, replacement cost is the actual cost of materials, labor and debris removal to rebuild your house in the same spot and at the same size. Market value is the price a buyer is willing to pay for a house.

The replacement cost of your home and the market value of your home can be two completely different numbers. Insurance companies use replacement cost valuation in determining insurance coverage.

Insure your car and home with Meemic and you'll save even more with a multi-policy discount. Talk to your local Meemic agent about discounts for the educational community.

Boat Insurance FAQs

Your policy should cover the amount it would cost to replace your boat. This amount is called “Agreed Value” or “Stated Value.”

An “All Risk” policy will provide coverage for all types of losses except those specifically excluded in the policy.

Generally, as long as you’ve given permission, anyone may operate your boat. Check your policy to make sure.

Claims & Repair FAQs

 Report your claim

  • Call the police department to report a theft as soon as possible.
  • Call us here at Meemic. Our home claims professionals are available to help you seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Call us toll free at 800-231-5770.
  • You can also submit your home insurance claim online if you do not require an immediate response. A home claims representative will contact you within one business day to discuss your claim report.

2. Damage assessment

  • Take necessary steps to protect your property from further damage.
  • Make any reasonable repairs necessary to protect the damaged property. Keep an accurate record of any repair expenses.
  • Don’t dispose of any damaged property.
  • Prepare an inventory of damaged and/or stolen property, providing a description of the item, quantity, age, original cost and current replacement cost. Attach all bills, receipts and related documents that substantiate the figures in the inventory.
  • If possible, obtain estimates from local contractors for any structural damage.

3. How we settle the loss

  • Structure-related damages are paid based on replacement cost (the cost of a new replacement of similar quality). If the loss for structure-related damages exceeds $5,000, you’ll be paid based on an Actual Cash Value basis (the cost of replacement, taking into account condition and age) until the structure is repaired or replaced. Once repairs or replacements are made, you’re entitled to full replacement cost. Structures that are not building-type structures, such as fences, are paid based on Actual Cash Value.
  • Personal property losses are paid based on replacement cost value. If the loss for personal property exceeds $500, you’ll be paid based on an Actual Cash Value basis until the stolen or damaged items are repaired or replaced. Once repairs or replacements are made, you’re entitled to full replacement cost.
  • All home insurance claim submissions are subject to verification of coverage. Only your policy indicates the coverage afforded to you in the case of a loss. Other terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions may apply.

  • Every situation is different, and there are many factors we take into account to determine if or how your claim will affect your policy or premium. For a home-related incident, some items that may impact if or how your claim may affect your policy or premium include:

    • Type of loss
    • Payment amount of your claim
    • Number of past claims you’ve had
    • Number of years you’ve been insured with Meemic
  • The amount of any premium adjustment, if any, will vary. If an adjustment is warranted, it will impact your next policy renewal. Contact your local Meemic agent with any questions.

  • Report your claim

    • One of the most important steps in the claims process is to contact us when you have a loss. Our claims professionals are available to help you seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Call us toll-free at 800-231-5770.
    • You can also submit your auto insurance claim online if you do not require an immediate response. An auto claims representative will contact you within one business day to discuss your claim report.
  • Damage assessment

    • Take necessary steps to protect your vehicle from further damage.
    • Depending on the cost of repairs, our Claims Adjuster may inspect your vehicle at the repair shop of your choice. The adjuster will provide the shop with a detailed estimate of repairs. If the repair shop has any questions regarding the estimate, they will be directed to contact the Claims Adjuster.
    • At your option, we can provide the names of repair shops in your area that are already pre-approved through The Educated Choice® Repair Program by Meemic.
  • How we settle the loss

    • Any claim payment made will be based on the prevailing labor rates in your area.
    • If you choose your own repair shop, the adjuster will reach an agreed price with them. The payment will be sent to the repair shop. The check will be made to both you, as the policyholder, and the repair shop. This way, you can endorse the check when the repairs are completed.
    • If you choose a shop that is part of The Educated Choice® Repair Program, all checks will be sent directly to the facility when the repairs are completed.
    • If your vehicle was determined to be a total loss, your claim payment will be based on its Actual Cash Value, with adjustments based on your vehicle’s physical condition. Total loss settlements will include the name of the lienholder of the vehicle, if applicable.
    • All claim submissions are subject to verification of coverage. Only your policy indicates the coverage afforded to you in the case of a loss. Other terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions may apply.

Every situation is different and there are many factors we take into account to determine if or how your claim will affect your policy or premium. For an auto-related accident, some of these include:

  • Cause of the accident
  • Your overall driving record
  • Whether you were at fault or not
  • Payout amount of your claim
  • Number of past claims you’ve had
  • Number of years you’ve been insured with Meemic

The amount of any premium adjustment, if any, will vary. If an adjustment is warranted, it will impact your next policy renewal. Keep in mind that your auto premium may not be impacted by the claim if you qualify for our accident forgiveness program. Auto policyholders who have been insured with Meemic for at least five consecutive years without an accident could have their first at-fault accident forgiven. Contact your local Meemic agent.

If you have comprehensive coverage and need to make an auto glass repair claim:

  • Call 888-623-2155 to report your auto glass repair claim or submit your claim online. A representative will arrange to have your auto glass repaired or replaced.
  • We’re happy to suggest an auto glass repair shop for you or feel free to use an auto glass repair vendor of your choice. Either way, if your windshield is simply being repaired, your deductible will be waived. But, if your windshield needs to be replaced, you’ll be responsible for the deductible.