She’s Always Bouncing Around … What?

Take a quick peek into the minds of your children and students as we gather a group to talk about what they love about
their teachers. You’ll be surprised by some of the answers.

One hundred million thousand one hundred . . . what??

Though teachers deserve rock star salaries, that’s not the case in the real world. But it’s a really good thing these kids aren’t in charge of the paychecks! At least their hearts are in the right place.

You’re really just playing a baseball game . . . what??

Who makes more — a teacher or a baseball player? If it were up to this group, it would be the teachers. Smart kids.

Nobody would be smart . . . what??

What the world would be like without teachers? Crazy!

Two fish . . . what??

Chocolate, candy, books — they’re all pretty popular. But watch out, teachers, you might wind up with fish or a lizard.

The teachers can teach the kids, but the president makes the laws . . . what??

Whose job is more important — the president or the teacher? With this group, it could go either way.

What School Children Love About Their Teachers

In our original video, we asked kids to describe why they love their teachers; you’ll be amazed at their answers! They extol the virtues of their teachers, from the classroom to the playground.