Holiday Home Safety

Shopping ... visiting family ... attending holiday festivities. Over the holiday season, we may be out of our home more than usual. Unfortunately, thieves know that as well. Unoccupied homes filled with new or unopened gifts are very inviting for thieves. Before you leave, be sure you have taken the necessary steps to protect your home:

  • Don’t display gifts where they can be seen from the outside.
  • Place some of your indoor lights on an automatic timer.
  • Turn on a radio or television so it sounds like the home is occupied.
  • Exterior lights are just as important. Keep the area around your home well‐lit.
  • Make sure your garage door is closed and locked... including the door inside the garage that leads to your home.
  • Keep bushes and trees near your home well‐trimmed.
  • Never leave a house key in obvious places, like under the doormat or in a flower pot.
  • If you will be away for a few days, be extra cautious:
    • Ask a neighbor to watch your home, shovel snow and even park in your driveway to give the illusion of someone being home.
    • Don’t forget to have someone get your mail and newspapers. Or, have delivery stopped while you are away.
    • Never put information on social media sites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) regarding your plans for being away from home during the holidays. Thieves may use this information to target your home.

This information is being provided for general information purposes only. Meemic Insurance Company does not assume any liability in connection with providing the information.