Homeowner Reminders


With spring comes warm weather, outdoor barbecues and meals with friends and family. As the temperatures rise so does the potential for increased weather-related problems. To keep you, your family and your home safe this spring and summer, the Meemic claims department recommends the following:

  • Check your sump pump to make sure it is in proper working order. It is always a good idea to install a back up pump or a battery operated pump in case of loss of power. Remember, water back up from sump pumps is not covered without an endorsement so contact your local Meemic agent to inquire about adding coverage before it is too late.
  • Protect your electrical equipment throughout your home with surge protectors. Electrical storms can cause major un‐repairable damage to computers and televisions. Far too often the data which was stored on the computer is lost after a power surge. Unfortunately, no amount of insurance coverage can bring back what was lost.
  • Dead limbs or trees will often fall during windy spring and summer storms. Pruning trees can prevent costly repairs and headaches down the road.
  • Secure personal property such as patio furniture and umbrellas before wind storms and prior to leaving on vacation.
  • Check gutters and down spouts to make sure they are properly draining. Remove any excess dirt or leaves that may have collected in the gutters during the fall months. This will help prevent water from seeping in through foundation walls which is not covered under a standard homeowner policy.

This information is being provided for general informational purposes only. Meemic Insurance Company does not assume any liability in connection with providing this information.