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Tips for Childproofing Your Home

More than a third of child injuries and deaths happen at home, according to; household injuries are among the top reasons kids younger than 3 end up in the emergency room. Young kids have the highest risk of being injured at home because that’s where they spend most of their time.

Do I Really Need Travel Insurance?

In many cases, vacations can involve thousands of dollars and months of advanced planning, organizing and saving. So, if you’re wondering if you should get travel insurance, the answer is often yes. Like any other investment of this magnitude, it’s important to make sure you have adequate insurance to protect your nonrefundable trip costs should the trip be cancelled due to severe weather, natural disaster, injury, illness (including COVID-19) or some other unforeseen event that upsets your vacation plans. Certain nontraveling family member illnesses can also trigger coverage benefits

Catalytic Converter Thefts on the Rise

People typically lock their cars when they park them to safeguard personal items and components inside the vehicle. Increasingly, however, criminals are less interested in what’s inside the car than they are in what’s underneath it – the catalytic converter.

What You Need to Know Before Installing a Pool

Summer is here with rising temperatures, and for many homeowners, that means it’s pool time. Perhaps you’ve decided to make the financial commitment to buy a pool. While a swimming pool can provide lots of fun for your family and guests, and can increase the value of your home, it can also bring on higher homeowner’s insurance rates.

Like a Boy Scout, Be Prepared When Camping

Before you decide to go off the grid to enjoy the tranquility of nature, be sure to keep in mind a few tips that may help your camping experience be a more enjoyable one.

Plan Now for Your Child’s Insurance at College

If your child is gearing up to attend college, they will leave the comforts of home to likely be on their own for the first time. And while they and their belongings have been under the protective custody of you and your insurance, now that they will be living away, they may not be as responsible as you are.

The Founding Fathers and Their Influence on Education

In 1776, the Founding Fathers sent the greatest break-up text ever written. The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776, starting the chain of events that led to the Revolutionary War.

It doesn’t surprise us that the Founding Fathers included individuals who valued education. In celebration of Independence Day, we’re highlighting signatories who were educators or who were influential to education:

Stay Safe with Fireworks .

Fourth of July is one of America’s favorite holidays, and it’s a time to enjoy Independence Day with your family and friends. Unfortunately, every year, more than 11,000 people are sent to the emergency room for fireworks-related injuries, and in a typical year, about eight to 10 people are killed by fireworks, according to the National Fire Protection Association.

The Vacation Road Trip – Prepare to Have Fun!

Nothing creates more family memories than a road trip. Be sure your trip is all that you want it to be by some simple planning and preparation before you go. Renting a car on vacation this year? Be sure you’re in the know as to which Meemic auto policy coverages apply to a rental car. After all, you don’t want to purchase coverage you don’t need – and you don’t want to be exposed without adequate coverage.

Take Extra Precautions to Keep Kids Out of Hot Cars

In 2017, 43 young children have died of heatstroke after being left or trapped in vehicles. This is about double the number of children who died this way during the same period last year. According to CNN, a 3-year-old boy in Houston died in July when he was left in a bus after a day care field trip. Records from the day care show the boy had erroneously been accounted for as the group reassembled after the trip. Earlier this year, in May, a 1-year-old girl died in Tennessee after her father forgot to drop her off at her daycare before heading out of town on a business trip. The stories seem endless. Dozens of children die each year this way, according to, all over the United States.

Driving in Work Zones Takes Extra Caution

Some of the riskiest locations for roadway collisions are work zones, as they often result in changes in traffic patterns and right of way, along with workers present and large commercial vehicles on the scene. Work zones are designed to improve the safety of workers who are enhancing or repairing roads, freeways, bridges, sewage and other infrastructure by separating construction and maintenance activities from traffic. The crews do that by providing a safe route for motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists and a safe area for the workers on the scene. That stew of activity and unpredictability sadly results in fatal accidents. In 2019, 842 people died in work zones in the U.S., up from 757 in 2018.

Go Hi-Tech to Protect Your Family and Home

Thanks to technology, you can make your home safer than ever before for you, your family and your possessions. The standard home protection for decades has included smoke detectors, window locks, a basic home security system and sometimes a neighborhood watch program. But, we now have sophisticated alarms and multiple cameras that you can monitor with your smartphone, as well as other devices that are not too expensive and that can give you peace of mind. Meemic may also give you a discount on your homeowner’s insurance for installing some of these devices. If you want to make your home more secure and smarter, you may want to consider these new technologies: